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Jorge's Blog
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Welcome to my blog!

/ 4 min read

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Hello everyone!

I’m Jorge Leon.

From orchestrating the whirlwind pace of professional kitchens to steering the equally frenetic world of tech startups, my path has been nothing short of diverse.

As a former chef turned AI developer, I’ve melded my expertise in full-stack web development with invaluable business insights from the hospitality sector.

Join me as I dive into the vast ocean of opportunities that artificial intelligence offers for businesses and working professionals alike. Welcome to my blog!

About me

Growing up, sports were a big part of my life. I played soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, and even ran cross-country and track for Long Beach Poly in high school. But my interests took a turn when I got into the restaurant world.

I started in restaurant management and even worked as a Sous chef at an Italian restaurant. The kitchen was great, but I felt a pull towards the tech side of things. So, I learned web development and quickly saw the potential of adding AI to my projects. That’s when things really took off.

I started working on my own, helping businesses with AI-based solutions. I made things like market analysis bots, crypto analysis tools, and even a bot that recommends books. Recently, I joined UnboundML as their Lead AI/ML engineer. Here, I’m working on amazing new features, digging into advanced data retrieval architectures, and brainstorming with a talented team.

I started this blog to share what I learn at work and in life. And hey, I still love cooking, so don’t be surprised if I drop a recipe here and there!

About this blog

At the heart of this blog is a desire to explore and share the vast and exciting world of technology and how it intersects with everyday life. Here’s a sneak peek into the areas I’ll be delving into:

  • Real-world AI Applications: Ever wondered how artificial intelligence fits into daily life? From optimizing personal tasks to enhancing business operations, I’ll dive into tangible examples of how AI can be a game-changer for just about anyone. It’s not just for big tech companies; AI has something to offer everyone.
  • Tech and Software Reviews: The market is flooded with gadgets, software, and tools that promise to revolutionize our lives. But which ones live up to the hype? Whether it’s the latest travel tech, a groundbreaking AI application, or just a cool new gadget, I’ll be putting them to the test and giving you my honest feedback.
  • Knowledge Nuggets: Over the years, I’ve picked up insights, strategies, and tidbits of wisdom that I believe can add value to our lives. Whether it’s a technical concept demystified or a life lesson I’ve learned the hard way, I’ll be sharing these with you, hoping they offer a fresh perspective or simply a new way to approach challenges.
  • And, of course, Recipes!: The kitchen is where my journey began, and my love for cooking hasn’t waned. From time to time, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite recipes, be it a dish that takes me back to my chef days or just something I whipped up on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

In essence, this blog is a melting pot of my passions, experiences, and expertise. From tech to the kitchen counter, I aim to offer a diverse palette of content that resonates, educates, and entertains.

Posting Frequency: Consistency is key, but inspiration can strike at any moment! While I aim to share a couple of posts every month, don’t be surprised if some weeks bring multiple insights. I believe in quality over quantity, so each post will be well-researched and thought-out.

Thank you for reading!

In wrapping things up, I want to express my genuine excitement and gratitude. This blog is more than just a collection of articles; it’s a reflection of my journey, both in tech and in life. From the bustling energy of restaurant kitchens to the intricate realms of AI development, each step has enriched me in countless ways. Now, I aim to share that wealth of knowledge, insights, and passion with all of you.

I invite you to join me on this adventure. Whether you’re here to gain insights into the world of AI, discover a new recipe, or simply enjoy a good read, I hope this blog offers value, inspiration, and perhaps a few moments of reflection.

Thank you for being a part of my story. Let’s explore, learn, and grow together.